Post-digital, post-social, post-everything?

Republished from original article appearing in  Adnews by Ben Hourahine 24.02.12

Post-digital, post-social, post-everything? 

How we talk about the future is important. It reflects not only what we think about tomorrow, but also the place we find ourselves in today. According to the buzz merchants abound in our industry, we are entering the post-digital, post-pc and post-social era.

In case you haven’t heard these pronouncements, the first is based on the belief that everything is increasingly digital (so digital disappears), the second on the fact that PC’s are getting smashed by phones and tablets (in terms of shipments and sales), and the third on the realisation that social media and the Internet are not actually separate things (go figure). I won’t list the other things that are supposed to cease, but you get the picture, we will be virtually post-everything pretty soon.

As someone who has spent some time making predictions about the future, there is a line of truth in all of them and the headlines make interesting reading. The thing that fascinates me though is that they are all statements about what won’t happen anymore, rather than what will. The shifts outlined above are all real and grounded in data to some degree, but the conclusion is their effect will be total and will put an end to some of the realities we live in today.

What they really tell us is that we are at a point in history where our knowledge of the future is limited. While I haven’t stacked up the data to prove it, an environment of sustained and predictable economic growth is intuitively a much easier one to forecast in. When shifts occur they break linear trend data and re-write rules that have lasted for decades. One thing is for sure (perhaps reflecting the current cultural zeitgeist) there isn’t a lot of positivity, or surety, in suggesting things are ending, rather than suggesting some of the new things that might begin.

If you follow the words of these industry poster boys (see what I did there) and their proficies through to fruition, the future is slightly confusing for us in the marketing industry. The logical conclusion from the post-digital, social and PC world, is some kind of post-apocalyptic singular convergence of everything. Life becomes digital, social is no different from digital (which doesn’t exist anymore anyway) and life’s mobile (which it already is). Confusing huh?

So where does this leave us as an industry? Well, we have work to do. We need to spend more time really understanding how digital technology will actually further integrate into physical life. We also need to spend time analysing what this change will create and not simply the buzzwords it may destroy. Finally, and the most critical lesson from all of this; we need to jump on the fact that we are at a point in history where planning and creating the future has never been more open. And let’s be honest, if we reflect on the predictions discussed here, that has never been more important.

Ben Hourahine, ‘Post-digital, post-social, post-everything’, Adnews, 24 Febuary 2012, p. 17

Torrents for physical objects appear on Pirate Bay

Republished from the Amnesia Blog – posted by Ben Hourahine on 24.02.12

While the debate rages on about online anti-piracy laws, the infamous torrent site pirate bay has opened a new category – physibles – for physical objects. Spotted by the brilliant adlab it seems like the next wave of torrenting has already gone physical / digital.



“We believe that the next step in copying will be made from digital form into physical form. It will be physical objects. Or as we decided to call them: Physibles. Data objects that are able (and feasible) to become physical. We believe that things like three dimensional printers, scanners and such are just the first step. We believe that in the nearby future you will print your spare sparts for your vehicles. You will download your sneakers within 20 years.”

Yes you read that right, they reckon you will be able download your shoes illegally. Right now it looks like the current content is a random selection of 3D models, oh, and a battle tank.


A 100 words on account planning

I’ve been asked to sit on the APG Committee this year, which is a big privilege for me and something I am really enjoying (more about the Account Planning Group here). Part of the invite process was penning some words on what planning means to me.

Here’s what I wrote. I tried to squeeze what I believe, what I love and what I hate about planning into 100 words, so excuse the lack of explanation, but hopefully it makes sense.

‘I believe planning can change the world; I believe everyone should want be a planner and I believe it shouldn’t take 10mins to explain to my granny what I do. I love people. I love ideas. I love both; planning. I really love helping people get into planning. I love Internets (obviously). I hate planning that no-one can understand. I hate planning that ends with a brief. I hate the fact a junior planner just told me he was warned to avoid the “arseholes” in our industry. I hate myself because I’ve done nothing recently that’s really helped our industry.’

On the last point I am obviously on a mission to push planning through the APG and other industry activity.

But, outside of that, if your an aspiring planner, or are thinking about becoming one, I am happy to help in anyway if I can.

So there you go, I’m slowly retreating with my soap box right now.